After finishing my novel, I really needed to let out some steam and do something completely silly and fun. My trip to France was in a couple days so there was just enough time to do an extra small project. With some leftover material from our our cupcake decorations I decided to make some Pocket Pacys!
They say you always leave a bit of yourself behind when you travel. Well, I going to leave a little me! Ha ha!
I plan to leave one somewhere every day while we're are in France. I hope that someone else finds it and brings a little cheer in their day. And, if I'm lucky the person will carry it to a new location, take a photo and send it to me which I can post here. Maybe these Pocket Pacys will travel all over the world!
In the photos, the Pocket Pacys might not look that neatly painted. That is because they are so small! see, shorter than a battery:
Though, honestly, the hardest part was trying to get the website url in it. First I tried to write it by hand, but the it wasn't very legible. And I need people to be able to read the url so that they can find the site! So, I finally made stickers which I am just crossing my fingers will stay affixed.
But, I've made eight Pocket Pacys ready for their new home in France. They travel by cardboard box, first class.
Where will they all end up?