An Unwelcome Interloper Leaves Golf Courses Waterlogged

Tunxis Plantation Golf Course in Farmington, CT  - - -  Photo:
The past couple of days have been picture perfect here in Connecticut;  temps in the high 70s... bright sunshine... low humidity.  Ideal weather for golf.  Except that many courses have been closed due to flooded fairways and waterlogged greens, remnants of the weekend visit of an unwelcome interloper by the name of  Irene.  The branches and debris she left in her wake have made numerous roads... and quite a few cart paths... impassible. Power outages remain widespread.

I know first-hand about the power problems as my home/office/etc has been without electricity since Sunday morning ... and word has it restoration may may not happen for several days.

So I've armed myself with patience and pragmatism, and found some innovative ways to work around the outage.  My posting here... and on the social networks... may be a bit less frequent for the time being as I generally do that in bed, late at night.  These days I'm actually sleeping at around midnight, which, it turns out isn't that bad at all.

Withing the next day or so I suspect most of our courses will reopen and I'm hoping to get a couple of rounds in before the end of Labor Day weekend.  I'm hoping the extra sleep will result in lower scores.