A friend of mine recently completed his novel. It's not what you think exactly. He conceived of the idea and helped shape it, I guess, but hired someone to write it for him. He's put both his and her name on the MS coverpage though.

So here's my question for all of you:

Which is harder--writing the story or coming up with the idea?

My friend will tell you it's coming up with the idea. My sister may agree with him. She went to Vasar and majored in writing and was good at it but stopped. She claims it's because she doesn't have any good ideas.

Honestly, I have to say this: Don't a million people out there have ideas? Isn't that why everyone and their mom wants to write a children's book? Maybe I'm saying this because I am a writer. I don't know.

Weigh in please. I'd love some opinions on this!