Strong Start to the Golf Season for the Birdie Sisters

Chicago was chilly and wet this past weekend but that didn't deter the Birdie Sisters as they headed to the course for the Illinois Junior Golf Classic.

The tournament took place at St. Andrews Country Club in West Chicago about 34 miles from their home, and several times on the drive out, the girls looked skyward, hoping a warming sun would appear.

But that didn't happen. Temperatures remained stubbornly entrenched in the low 50's throughout the weekend while intermittent rain ensured an added chill... and the prospect of a couple of bad hair days. But Erica and Myah Jackson don't take their golf lightly, and this was the season opener. So, they put on a couple of layers and tackled the tournament

Conditions were tough as was the competition both girls felt like they were still shaking off some winter rust by at the end of the day Myah held onto 2nd place in the competitive 9-10 age group and Erica won the 11-12s. You'll find details of each of the Birdie Sister's rounds are on their website.

Oh, and in addition to their golf Erica and Myah are also doing radio. They've got their own show on WSTR Radio where each week they interview golf luminaries from all facets of the game. I help them out with the show and they're a pure pleasure to work with. Keep up with their progress throughout the summer and tune in to the show every Friday. I promise you'll be impressed.